Thursday, March 5, 2009

Old Pictures, and a Few New

Last week, while looking through my iphone pictures, I happened upon these:



This is what our fun Monday night get togethers look like!

It's been awhile since I've blogged, but craziness took over and we were left with no time.I am hoping for a relaxing weekend with not much to do.

Tonight, I am celebrating being DONE with the Balanced Literacy class I was taking. It was practically every Thursday night since about October, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity (our district pays the tuition for us to attend this one class through a grant they received). It was a little rough on our schedule because I wasn't getting home until 7:30 on Thursdays, but we made it work. So, yay... it's OVER!!

I am realizing how RANDOM this post is, but that's what happens when you let a week go by with no updating.

OK, let's swtich gears here.

I wanted to share with you Kate's mad obsession with the computer. Any computer.

Many a tantrum is thrown around here when she is not allowed to play with it. Occasionally, we let her play these little toddler games, watch Handy Manny on, or just type in regular old Microsoft Word. She can get a little crazy and start pounding on the keyboard (hence, my missing Caps Lock key). But, let me tell you, that laptop is her main squeeze. She would be content to spend her whole day with it.

Here's evidence of just how happy it makes her...




I mean, seriously...HOW can we say "no" to her????

1 comment:

Ethan, Kristen, Claire and Griffin said...

I love her little feet sticking out from under the computer. So precious. OMG I can't wait!