Saturday, August 28, 2010

Girl's Night Out

Kate and I had a spur of the moment little date tonight.

I had to go up to school for a little bit today (GASP... on a Saturday!) to get caught up. The start of school is always crazy, but I can't remember the last time I was up there on a weekend. Not fun.

On the way home, I thought it would be fun to pick up Kate and go out for a bit.

I called home and talked to Kate and she proceeded to push every button on the phone instead of listening to anything I had to say. ha! Finally, I figured I would just go home and tell her about my plans.

She was excited to go out with just Mommy.


Our first stop was Walgreens to pick up some bread so we could feed the ducks at the lake.


Then, we went to the park and played for awhile. Kate went down almost all the slides (there were like ten of them!), big and small.



Then, we crossed the street to the lake and fed the ducks. That ended quickly when they started coming up onto the grass where we were and Kate (and maybe Mommy a little bit) got freaked out. Ducks are not my friend.

Instead, we just sat on a bench by the water. Which is where we realized Kate had stepped in duck poop and had put her foot on my jeans. Ugh!!

I showed Kate how to scrape her foot across the ground to get it off of her shoe, which got most of it, BUT... after that in the car, the conversation went something like this:

(DISCLAIMER: Dad, don't read this. You'll throw up.)

Kate: I takin' my shoes off.
Me: Ewww, there's some duck poop on there. Don't touch them.
Kate: I already take them off.
Me: Well, just throw them on the floor. You probably have duck poop on your hands now.
Kate: I cleanin' my fingers with my mouth.

(And, yes, she was in the back seat licking her fingers which I KNOW had poop remnants on them from taking her dang shoe off! Ugh. I could puke just thinking about it.)

Luckily, we were on our way to Dairy Queen and we made a bee line for the bathroom.

Then, we enjoyed some ice cream and just talked with each other.




On the way home, we stopped at QT to get a Sunday paper and I let her get a slushie... I know, I know. Ice cream AND a slushie in one night. Don't judge me. :) It rarely happens.


Her night ended passed out with Daddy on the couch. So fun!!


1 comment:

Ethan, Kristen, Claire and Griffin said...

loved the duck poop! so funny! Claire loved watching the videos of Kate. She loves "big girls." Miss you guys so much!