Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year's Eve

Better late than never, right? (I should go back and count how many of our blog posts start like that!)

For the first time, I think, ever, we spent New Year's Eve at home with just us. It ended up being a really fun night!

We made the Pioneer Woman's lasagna... SOOO yummy!!

We played games and drank orange soda. :) That's a treat, you know!

Kate had asked to bake cupcakes, so we saved it for New Year's Eve.

We got to stay in comfy clothes all night and not worry about getting all "fancy".
Although, we did buy some goofy hats and leis.

Jack didn't make it past 8:00, but Kate stayed up and partied 'til midnight. We made newspaper confetti, which she used to make "snow" angels.

It's great to go out with friends, or have a New Year's Eve date, but this was a nice and needed change this year.

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