Monday, April 11, 2011

My Jack

He said Ma-ma the other day... finally!!

He can say da-da (of course!), a loose version of the word cookie, and various versions of "da". "Da" is everything. Jack needs our attention? "Daaaaaaaa". Wants to see something? "Da da da". Drops something on the ground? He only knows the "uh" in uh-oh. So, you'll usually get an "uh" followed by a long "daaaaaaaa".

He is walking now. Everyday, he walks a little further.


He is still wildly obsessed with Daddy.


We think he is going to be a little daredevil. He's a climber. He tries to nose dive off the edge of our bed. He gets himself stuck in small little spaces.


He eats anything he can find on the floor or in the trash (his new favorite hobby). But, if you ask him what's in his mouth, he'll quickly retrieve it for you and just hand it over.


He has eight teeth now. He's still a total thumb sucker, and that's always a clue to know when he's tired.


He still takes two naps a day and NEEDS them both!! He has started to stay up past 7:30 at night (gasp!).


He LOVES music. He dances, shakes his head, and claps his hands.


When asked "how old are you", he can hold up one finger. If we say, "Oh no", he puts both hands over his face. He knows where his belly is. Half the time, he knows where his nose is. :)



He thinks Kate is the funniest person on the planet. Sometimes, her just talking makes him laugh. They have started to play together more often. They take baths together every night. They both love that. Well, except Kate's not really a big fan of the times Jack poops in the tub.



He's in a big boy carseat now. He likes being able to see us and he and Kate sometimes hold hands in the car.


Jack is so fun! He's a little lovebug, but won't sit still for long. He gives kisses freely, but then is quick to push you away when he wants to play.


We love our little man!


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