Thursday, April 3, 2014

Weekend Getaway

Mark and I planned a little last minute getaway to Lake of the Ozarks over Spring Break.  He took off Friday, so we headed down there Thursday night for a few nights.

It was so nice to just get away for a little bit and spend time together.

We loved our little condo on the lake.

Friday was GORGEOUS! Sunshine and in the 70's.  We spent the whole day hiking at Ha Ha Tonka State Park. We had a picnic lunch and did lots of exploring.  

This was after Kate and Jack would not stop fighting.  Add getting put into time out at Ha Ha Tonka State Park in the memory books. ha! 

Goofy girl. You would think maybe Mark posed her like this to take her picture.  No. This is all her own.  Sassy pants. 

After hiking, we headed to Lake of the Ozarks State Park and played at one of their lake beaches. The kiddos were happy to change into shorts and take their shoes off! 

After playing for almost two hours, we went back to the condo and I made dinner while the kids rode their bikes with Mark. 

We had dinner on the screened in deck.

Then, the kids got all bathed, put on jammies and we watched Wizard of Oz and ate popcorn. 

Which lasted all of about 30 minutes before the party looked like this. 

The next day, we spent a little bit of time on the Strip, got ice cream, took the kids to Miner Mike's (which they thought was the best thing ever!), went out to dinner, and brought two VERY tired kids back to the condo for a good night's sleep.  

We came home Sunday with enough time to relax a little before preparing for a new week.  

I love little getaways! 

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