Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Kate's Birthday and Family Party

Kate had a really fun birthday.  She and I went to Sister's Tea House for a girly lunch. 

 It was our first time there and it's so cute.  Kate got pink lemonade in a teapot with a little teacup.  She kept lifting her pinkie as she took little sips.  So precious.  

After we ate, we went upstairs.  They have a room with lots of dress up clothes.  Hats, gloves, necklaces... so fun. 

We came home and just hung out for a little bit and then opened presents.  

She was SO hoping she would get this for her birthday and Mimi and Papa got it for her! 

Later that night, she chose Red Robin for her birthday dinner.  She loved being sung to and getting ice cream.  

We came home for cake and ended the night with a little dance party in the kitchen, which is pretty much her most favorite thing ever.  

Look at my sweet Jack.  He was such a good brother on her birthday.  He never once complained that he wasn't getting any presents.  He helped me wrap all of her presents earlier in the week and he kept saying, "I can't wait for Sissy's birthday."  When we started opening presents, he went and got a trash bag and threw all of her trash away as she opened.  Oh, it was so sweet. I think he loved her birthday as much as she did. 

The next day, we had some snow, so of course, the kids had to suit up to go play out in it for five minutes. ha!  

Kate had a birthday party to go to that afternoon.  After that, we had everyone over for a family party. 

Gran made her the coolest cake! 

We had a spaghetti dinner, opened presents, and ate cake.  

She was just a little excited about her American Girl doll from Gran, Nanny, Ken & Julie. :) 

She made this sign earlier in the day and tucked it behind the chair to show after opening presents. haha! 

Kate is one loved little lady!

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