Friday, December 5, 2014

Our Fall Fun

I can't believe it's already December! November literally flew by.  We are right smack in the middle of holiday fun and traditions, but I thought I'd share some of our fall fun. 

Warning... picture overload here! 

Kate had her fall party at school. 

We joined some friends at a fall event at the Webster Groves Firehouse. 

Later that day, we went to Eckert's for apple picking, 

Jack had bike day at preschool (inside because it was raining like crazy that day). 

Jack also had a field trip to the firehouse. 

Then, we went to a fall festival at the firehouse the next week with friends. Ha! Apparently, we love the firehouse. 

We went to Purina Farms Haunted Hayloft.  Can you tell that we like to get a lot of use out of our holiday wear?? :) 

Kate and I painted pumpkins at Lucky's Market while Mark and Jack were at a Dad's night at preschool. 

We went to The Magic House Halloween party with friends. 

We carved pumpkins. 

We went to a Halloween event at our local park. 

We went to Trunk or Treat at Kate's school. 

Kate went to a fun Halloween party with her friends. 

We had a little Halloween dinner one night with "spooky" food. 

We had WAY too much fun with this mask.  I couldn't resist it.  Best $10 I've spent in a long time. 

Jack had his Halloween preschool party. 

We went to Fright Fest at Six Flags. Jack skipped out because he got way too freaked out the first time we went. We stayed a little too long at night and Kate got majorly scared.  The daytime was fun, though! 

We helped Mimi rake up a TON of leaves. 

Jack had a Thanksgiving Feast at school.

We made some Thanksgiving crafts. 

We did our annual Black Friday Family Fun Day! 

We took the kids to a fun park and then surprised them by driving to Columbia to go to a place called Bonkers that we went to awhile back.  They had a blast and were shocked that we would drive that far just to go there.  It was a fun little adventure. 

After Columbia, we drove back and went to one of our favorite parks for a drive through Christmas light display.  

Fall was fun, fun, fun, but we are SOOOO excited for Christmas!! 

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