Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cramming It In

This is what one would call "cramming it all in".  We sucked the life out of the last bit of summer, even down to the day before school started. What a great summer it's been! After vacation, we did a few more things before school started: 

We went to Six Flags with Mimi, Ruckus and Maisy.

We had a girls' day at Six Flags (in the rain) with Megan and her girls.  

We visited Megan's new baby.

We had a playdate with our buddies. 

We swam some more. 

Had a Fro Yo date with our buddy and his mom. 

On the day before school started, we went to Indian Camp Creek Park and played in the creek.  It was so fun! There were lots of other people there and Kate worked up her courage to jump off one of the little "cliffs". 

Happy end of summer!! 

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