Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Yellowstone (Part 2)

On our second day in Yellowstone, we got a little wiser.  We let the kids sleep in a little later, we stopped at practically every destination so the kids could stretch their legs and run around and we made sure they got lunch (and dinner) on time before they got starving and cranky.  It was great day!

Here's a recap: 

We took a long break at Yellowstone Lake and just let them play. 

Another picnic lunch.  Jack was less scared this time. Ha! 

And, for the record... this is how we do Yellowstone bathrooms.  There are no words. It's horrific. 

These faces are the result of Jack taking his shoes off EVERY time we got back in the car, only to have to put them on in the next five minutes when we stopped again.  When I say "put them on again", what I really mean is need someone to help him untie them, put them back on his feet and tie them again.  Oh my gosh, maddening! 

These mud volcanoes are my fave. 

How to keep kids happy... LET THEM RUN! 

Our crazy little cabin for the night. 

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