Friday, August 7, 2015

Summer Vacation (Last Post, I promise)

Back in Park City, we had a few things left we wanted to do besides relaxing by the pool, having drinks on the deck after the kids went to bed, and basically just relaxing some more. :)  

When we were at Olympic Park the first time, there was a ropes/obstacle course that the kids kind of wanted to do.  They weren't 100% sure they really wanted to do it because it was really high, so we told them to think about it while we were in Yellowstone and we could do it when we got back if they wanted to. 

Jack was totally on board and woke up that morning all ready to go! Kate was FREAKED out! 

BUT, I'm proud to say they both rocked it.  Jack hardly ever showed a bit of fear and it was crazy seeing my tiny five year old way up high holding onto ropes to help him make these huge steps.  Kate did so good! She was terrified most of the time, but she conquered her fear.  At the end was a big zip line back to the start and they both said that was their favorite part.  

Kate was having second thoughts at this point. 

This was the one time he got nervous. The last two steps were farther away from each other, and the ropes were harder to reach, so he had to do some stretching on that one. 


They made it!! We were so, so proud of them for doing it! 

The rest of our time in Park City was spent shopping downtown, relaxing at the condo, eating out, swimming, sitting on the deck, a day of hiking (Jack hated every minute of it), and just enjoying each other. 

A boy and his giant bowl of rice at the sushi restaurant. 

Doing a little shopping. 

Kate and I took a late night walk. 

No one was quite ready for the week to be over with.  Back to reality. Back to St. Louis heat and getting ready for school to start. 

GREAT vacation!!!

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