Monday, August 3, 2015

Our Summer Vacation 2015

I need to break this trip up in a few posts, but what a wonderful vacation we had! We didn't think we were going to take a vacation this summer because we bought a new house and were spending so much money on that.  However, Mark's company opened up the use of one of the condos at the Deer Valley Club in Park City, Utah, so we grabbed a week.  How could we pass that up? Mark and I had been there about four years earlier when his boss threw a party up there.  It's just beautiful! It was fun being able to take our kids this time.   

The kids got to fly for the first time!! They loved it!! Our flight was SUPER early. 

Made it to Salt Lake! We were met with the nicest driver and he took us to Deer Valley Club in Park City.  

Ahh, made it. We were tired and starving and did I mention TIRED? 

We chilled for a little bit and got things organized, then went to a late lunch/early dinner in downtown Park City.  Jack thoroughly enjoyed it. 

We came home and the kids took a bath in the best bathtub ever.  

Ahhh, and then off to sleep. 

We stayed in Park City for a couple days, then went to Yellowstone for a few days, then back to Park City for a couple days.  On our first day in Park City, we went to Olympic Park where the Winter Olympics were held.  They do this super cool ski jump show, the "Flying Ace". 

After the show, we walked around the visitor's center and rode the ski lift up to the top of the mountain. 

We went back for swimming and cooked a yummy dinner.  

Before we left for Yellowstone, we also did Silly Sunday in downtown Park City.  

 Then, it was off to Yellowstone in our cute little rental car. 

We got in late that night and had made reservations at Old Faithful Inn for dinner. 

Our little rental car... served us well while we were in Yellowstone. 

Next up... Yellowstone adventures and pictures! 

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