(I PROMISE... I'll have pictures of her birthday party up soon!!) For now, I'll just post about her "real" birthday.
The night before her birthday, we blew up a pack of 72 pink and purple balloons while she slept.

We hung some streamers. She told me the next morning that she loved the streamers hanging from her door. :)

I wrote on the bathroom mirror in lipstick. She thought that was pretty cool.

We thought she would wake up and be thrilled... no such luck at first. She doesn't exactly wake up on the "right side of the bed" when she has to get up early. I wish she could have stayed home on her birthday, but I am subbing for a maternity leave, so she had to get up early to have a special birthday breakfast and open a present before leaving at 7.
After lots of coercing, she got out of bed and finally got excited about all of her balloons.
Jack loved the balloons, too!

I made her a "4" pancake for breakfast.

We let her pick out one present from Gammy and Gampy to open that morning.

She went to Nanny and Poppy's that day, where they had a little birthday celebration with Gran.
She had gymnastics that evening and didn't want to miss it. She told me she announced to her teacher that it was her birthday. ha!
After gymnastics, we went home for her requested birthday dinner (spaghetti and meatballs).
She opened the rest of her presents from Gammy and Gampy.

She got her gifts from us... a bike and a scooter. She was thrilled!

We had cupcakes and sung "Happy Birthday".

And, as a bonus surprise, we let her sleep in our bed that night.
We all laid there and watched the slideshows that Mark had made for her past three birthday parties. We reminisced and shed some tears. We were super sappy this year!
Can't believe how fast the past four years have flown by!!
The night before her birthday, we blew up a pack of 72 pink and purple balloons while she slept.

We hung some streamers. She told me the next morning that she loved the streamers hanging from her door. :)

I wrote on the bathroom mirror in lipstick. She thought that was pretty cool.

We thought she would wake up and be thrilled... no such luck at first. She doesn't exactly wake up on the "right side of the bed" when she has to get up early. I wish she could have stayed home on her birthday, but I am subbing for a maternity leave, so she had to get up early to have a special birthday breakfast and open a present before leaving at 7.
After lots of coercing, she got out of bed and finally got excited about all of her balloons.
Jack loved the balloons, too!

I made her a "4" pancake for breakfast.

We let her pick out one present from Gammy and Gampy to open that morning.

She went to Nanny and Poppy's that day, where they had a little birthday celebration with Gran.
She had gymnastics that evening and didn't want to miss it. She told me she announced to her teacher that it was her birthday. ha!
After gymnastics, we went home for her requested birthday dinner (spaghetti and meatballs).
She opened the rest of her presents from Gammy and Gampy.

She got her gifts from us... a bike and a scooter. She was thrilled!

We had cupcakes and sung "Happy Birthday".

And, as a bonus surprise, we let her sleep in our bed that night.
We all laid there and watched the slideshows that Mark had made for her past three birthday parties. We reminisced and shed some tears. We were super sappy this year!
Can't believe how fast the past four years have flown by!!