Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kate Sayings

This summer when Kate was going to VBS, I joked with her that I should take Jack and let him go to class with her. She said, "You probably shouldn't take Jack to VBS because we sit down a lot and he's not a very good sitting downer." So true Kate, so true.


When we went to the ball game for Mimi and Papa's anniversary, we all rode in our van together. I was joking with Mark and Kate said something like, "Don't talk to Daddy like that." Papa said, "That's right Kate, stand up for Daddy." She replied (as she sat in her car seat), "I can't even stand up."


She's very literal like that. Her foot fell asleep the other day. She told Mark, "My foot fell asleep and it's not even late."


One day a couple weeks ago, she was driving me C-R-A-Z-Y! Her behavior was totally out of control, we were trying to leave the house to go somewhere, and it was just nuts. She spilled a bunch of cereal pieces in the hallway (on purpose, I should add), and I said something like, "Kate, you just think you can do whatever you want, and frankly, I'm tired of it." Her response? "Why are you calling me Frankly?"

Hard to keep a straight face after that.


Her sassiness is still alive and well. "Fine!" is one of her favorite words and almost always lands her in time out.


I shouldn't even write this because I was shocked this conversation even happened, but this blog is for documenting our lives. Maybe I'll look back and laugh at this, but when she said this with her little attitude, I about died.

So, for some reason, Kate was in A MOOD. Not a good one. We were in the car and she says, "Turn the air up... Did you hear me?" The rest of the conversation makes me cringe:

Me: Yes, I heard you, but I didn't hear you say please.

Kate: Ok, please. There, I said it. I said two things.

Me: Well, you didn't say it kindly in the same sentence. (For the record, we work on this. Like "Could you please ____________)

Kate: Ok. Sentence one. Turn the air up. Sentence two. Please. How's that?

I COULD NOT BELIEVE she had just spoken like that. Sentence one?!?! Super Nanny would have lost it. And, it may not sound that bad, but her tone... ohhh, it gets me fired up just reliving it.

I can't handle disrespect. That's why we work like crazy with her to make sure she is respectful!

Me: (boiling inside) That still does not sound kind.

Kate: Ok. Please turn the air up.

Me: That's more like it. (She WILL be a respectful kid if it's the last thing I do!)


Luckily, moments like that are pretty rare. Most of the time, she's cracking us up.


In the car, we were discussing what she could be when she grew up. I went through a long list of options. I said, "You could be an artist." She said, "But, I'm already an artist! So I can't be that again!" Finally, she decided she could be a "tooter doctor". I asked her what a "tooter doctor" is and she said, "A doctor that helps people stop tooting." Whatever floats your boat, sister.


Another time in the car (while I was driving), she saw me in the rear view mirror and said, "Hey, you asleep?" Haha!


We were walking in the park mid-August and a leaf fell from a tree. Without hesitating, Kate looked up at me and quickly said, "Hey, is it fall?"


She loves to say things like "I missed you all the way to the stars and back" or "I'm hungry. Like to the stars and back hungry". I asked her one day if she loved me to the "stars and back" and she said, "Sure, why not.


"When Jack goes down for a nap, I usually let her stay up a tad longer since he naps for 3-4 hours and she only naps for 2 max. She said to me one day, "When Jack goes down for a nap, can I stay up and watch t.v. for a few hours?" Uh, no.


She has this imaginary friend named Emily that she's still hanging on to. Right now, Emily is her little girl. It's funny because Emily does all these things Kate does. Like she'll tell me how hard it is to get Emily dressed because she thinks everything is itchy. And how Emily is so sassy.

Anyway, she told me that "Emily gives me such a headache. Emily always calls our grandma, mom and I'm like, 'Emily, she's our grandma, not our MOM!'" I hear stories about Emily ALL the time!! Here's a video of an Emily story.

She uses big words like "interesting", "discipline", "payment", and "barcode". Words that I didn't know she knew the meaning of. My favorite is when she pronounces the words wrong. While on vacation, we got ice cream and she started running around saying, "That ice cream gave me a lot of en-gery." ha!


When people hang around Kate for any amount of time, they usually say something like, "Boy, you are going to have your hands full when she's a teenager".

Then, they watch Jack for a minute and say, "Wow, you really have your hands full".

And it's true. So true. With these two, there really is never. a. dull. moment. They make like full and interesting and teach us to SLOW DOWN and see what's really important in our lives. Which, I have learned is not money because since I've stopped working, I've got a lot less money, but a lot more happiness.

True, we do have our hands full. But if having our hands full means that we get to raise two of the most beautiful kiddos on the planet (I'm biased, I know) and help them become responsible, respectful, caring, positive, and driven individuals... then, I'll take it.

It's a lot of fun along the way.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Kate LOVES writing. She will sit with a notebook and do all these little scribbles and say, "Look, I'm writing just like you!"

She has known how to write her name for awhile now, and I've worked with her on some other letters. Somehow, though, she knows how to write all of these letters I haven't even shown her. She has a little placemat with the alphabet on it, so maybe she is getting it from there????

Some of her letters are capital, some are lowercase, some are backwards, but she's got a really good foundation. As a former teacher, that makes me happy.

Mark had a car accident the other day (boo... it stunk. His car is totaled, he messed up his leg and back, he's got a lawyer.... on and on... but, he's o.k., so that's what matters). He called and told me when it happened, but we knew he was o.k.

So right away, Kate wanted to make him a card. I hopped in the shower and she stood in the bathroom and told me what she wanted to say on her card. I just told her to draw a picture and I'll write what she wants to say. But, she insisted on writing it herself, so I just spelled the words for her.

She gave it to daddy when he got home, and I hadn't really looked at it until then. But, when I did, I saw all the letters I had told her to write. Not really in any order, of course, but HOW did she learn this??


Can you make out the "I'm sorry" at the bottom? I love all the random letters at the top.

I find pages all the time like this... just letter after letter after letter. She always asks me what she spelled. "Um, well, you spelled MTPMBDEDSLK. Good job!" Then, she will usually say, "Well, that's a good name!" Ha!

It's amazing to me how much kids this age just soak up everything.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We enrolled Kate in a pre-acrobatics class this year. We went back and forth between dance or gymnastics, but we thought the speed of gymnastics might be more suited for her. Unfortunately, she's too young for the hip-hop class. That's the only dance class that I think would keep her interested. But, who knows!

We didn't start too well. I let her nap too long, so we were kind of rushed getting ready. She hated her unitard thingie. She complained that it gave her a wedgie. ha! She hated getting her hair done because she DOES NOT like ponytails. Not sure why.

Mark wasn't home to take pictures, so these are all with my phone. I made her force a smile. Mean mama.

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She kept telling me how nervous she was. Once Daddy met us there and she saw all the other girls, she calmed down.


Her class is only 45 minutes long and we were able to watch on the TV monitor. Girlfriend does a mean crab walk, let me tell ya!

They did the wheelbarrow with their teachers, somersaults, bridges, and ended with a Mickey Mouse exercise song.

She literally bounced out the door when her teacher opened it. She had the BIGGEST smile on her face! She absolutely loved it. She proudly told me about all they did and how her teacher told her "Good job!" So sweet.

She passed up my offer to take her out for ice cream because she just wanted to go home and see Daddy (he's sick and he took Jack home after the lesson started).

I think this is going to be SO good for her!! She's got a TON of energy and this will be something she can look forward to each week. I'm excited!