Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two Days, Two Play Dates

** Please ignore the fact that Blogger cuts off some of the right side of my pictures. I need to figure out how to fix that. **

Last week was a busy one, but a very fun one at that. Our first one back from vacation, lots of unpacking, a taco bar dinner with lots of friends at our house on Wednesday after I spent the day getting bargains at garage sales, a brunch/play date with girlfriends on Thursday, a play date with a friend on Friday, followed by a birthday and anniversary celebration that night with family. Crazy!!! These play date pictures were too cute not to post, so... enjoy!

Our monthly brunch/play date with some of my friends and their adorable kiddos

Brunch with friends

A bunch of kids on a pool table
Our first little play date with B, who is only two weeks younger than Kate

Busy babies

Eeek... all those primary colors... sensory overload, much??

Sensory overload

The girls at work
Look how hard at work they are!

Little girls
Big smiles... or at least, they are both looking at the camera

Still chewing...
Geez Kate, doesn't your mother know how to brush your hair? I mean, look at your friend's hair. It's so nice and tame.

No, seriously, we are dealing with some major "sticking up" issues in the back there. We are working through it, though (i.e. I ordered a bunch of little bows to distract from it while it grows out. They should be here any day.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Nice photos! Who's the photographer???? WHERE ARE MY CREDITS!?!?!?!?!?!?!

See if I take pictures or your child anymore!!!!! hahahaha!

(Can you guess who this is?!?!?!)