Friday, October 17, 2008

Gmail Disaster

I am such a loser... here's the story. So, I created a gmail account in order to sign up for Blogger to create our blog. I entered ten e-mail addresses of people that I automatically wanted an e-mail to be sent to when we update our blog, and then I thought I was done. Never to check my g-mail account account, because I use hotmail.

So, today I was talking to my mom and she says, "Oh, I loved your letters. Did you get my reply? And what's jenn2182@gmail?" All of a sudden it dawned on me that when you get the updates, it is from my gmail account. For some brainiac idea, I thought it would just be from my hotmail. So, whenever you reply, it goes into my gmail account that I have NEVER checked. I signed onto gmail and had like 45 messages from all of you that I never knew about.

If you sent me an e-mail A LONG TIME AGO... I'm sorry. I replied to a couple today. Michelle, you probably thought I was so rude never replying to your e-mails. Oh, and thanks everyone for all the sweet comments about Kate. We are pretty crazy about her, too.

Whew, o.k... I'm glad I got that all off my chest.

You can always comment right on here instead of sending a reply e-mail. Those get sent to my hotmail and show up on our blog. All you have to do is look at the end of a post, and click on the word "comments". Then, you just leave your comment and select your identity (which most of you would probably click the Name/URL button unless you have a blogger account). Just write your name and click "Publish your comment".

Then, people will know that I actually have readers... ha ha! I will say, though, that I was thrilled to read all those e-mails and see that you actually like to read our blog. I really just do it for us as a way to remember happenings and such, but it's nice to know that everyone is enjoying it, too.

Sorry, again, for the late responses to e-mails!!

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