Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wasting Time

Mark and Kate are taking a nap. There are two loads of laundry to be folded and some cleaning up to do before we leave for the pumpkin patch when they wake up.

What am I doing??

myYearbookPhoto 6

I'm "Yearbooking Myself". Wasting time, you say?? But wait, look how great these are (ignore the fact that I didn't line up the picture just right and that my bangs from the original picture are sticking out in all of them... I was rushing... remember the laundry?? And my photoshopping husband was asleep.)

myYearbookPhoto 5
AHH! Crazy 80's!

myYearbookPhoto 4
This almost looks real.

myYearbookPhoto 3
Sad to say, but I honesty like this hair!

myYearbookPhoto  2
Now, that's scary!

What's up with the neck in this one?

myYearbookPhoto 1

See the bangs in this one??

Ok, I'm done... off to do the laundry. For real, I mean it.

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