Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Kate LOVES writing. She will sit with a notebook and do all these little scribbles and say, "Look, I'm writing just like you!"

She has known how to write her name for awhile now, and I've worked with her on some other letters. Somehow, though, she knows how to write all of these letters I haven't even shown her. She has a little placemat with the alphabet on it, so maybe she is getting it from there????

Some of her letters are capital, some are lowercase, some are backwards, but she's got a really good foundation. As a former teacher, that makes me happy.

Mark had a car accident the other day (boo... it stunk. His car is totaled, he messed up his leg and back, he's got a lawyer.... on and on... but, he's o.k., so that's what matters). He called and told me when it happened, but we knew he was o.k.

So right away, Kate wanted to make him a card. I hopped in the shower and she stood in the bathroom and told me what she wanted to say on her card. I just told her to draw a picture and I'll write what she wants to say. But, she insisted on writing it herself, so I just spelled the words for her.

She gave it to daddy when he got home, and I hadn't really looked at it until then. But, when I did, I saw all the letters I had told her to write. Not really in any order, of course, but HOW did she learn this??


Can you make out the "I'm sorry" at the bottom? I love all the random letters at the top.

I find pages all the time like this... just letter after letter after letter. She always asks me what she spelled. "Um, well, you spelled MTPMBDEDSLK. Good job!" Then, she will usually say, "Well, that's a good name!" Ha!

It's amazing to me how much kids this age just soak up everything.

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