Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We enrolled Kate in a pre-acrobatics class this year. We went back and forth between dance or gymnastics, but we thought the speed of gymnastics might be more suited for her. Unfortunately, she's too young for the hip-hop class. That's the only dance class that I think would keep her interested. But, who knows!

We didn't start too well. I let her nap too long, so we were kind of rushed getting ready. She hated her unitard thingie. She complained that it gave her a wedgie. ha! She hated getting her hair done because she DOES NOT like ponytails. Not sure why.

Mark wasn't home to take pictures, so these are all with my phone. I made her force a smile. Mean mama.

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She kept telling me how nervous she was. Once Daddy met us there and she saw all the other girls, she calmed down.


Her class is only 45 minutes long and we were able to watch on the TV monitor. Girlfriend does a mean crab walk, let me tell ya!

They did the wheelbarrow with their teachers, somersaults, bridges, and ended with a Mickey Mouse exercise song.

She literally bounced out the door when her teacher opened it. She had the BIGGEST smile on her face! She absolutely loved it. She proudly told me about all they did and how her teacher told her "Good job!" So sweet.

She passed up my offer to take her out for ice cream because she just wanted to go home and see Daddy (he's sick and he took Jack home after the lesson started).

I think this is going to be SO good for her!! She's got a TON of energy and this will be something she can look forward to each week. I'm excited!

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