Monday, December 19, 2011

My Girl


She can be so sweet. She's is genuinely funny. She is bossy, bossy, bossy!

She says things all the time that I just have to write down so I don't forget them.

She's listens to everything we say and soaks it all in.


One day, we were driving through Kirkwood, a cute little town in St. Louis County. She remembered me saying how cozy all the house were on a previous drive through Kirkwood, so she says, "Wow, this is a cozy road."

One night, she was talking about taking care of "Emily". "Emily" is still going strong. Most of the time, she is Kate's daughter. I think. She told me, "I have to do dinner, bath, and bed. It's crazy." Gee, ya think she's heard that before??


She'll announce, "I've had SUCH a long day." You have no idea, girl.

One day while watching football with Daddy, you could see her wheels turning, and she asked, "Do football players get a lunch break?"

A lot of her stories start like this... "You are not going to believe this, but here it goes..." or "I'm sorry to say this, but here it goes...."

She uses words like gorgeous, hilarious, adorable, and beautiful. She'll say, "Oh, Jack is so 'ilarious'".

At the beginning of this month, we baked a bunch of cookies for a Christmas party for foster children. Kate and I were talking about how these were kids that didn't have a family. I asked her what she would do if she didn't have a family. Very matter of factly, she said, "Well, I'd go live somewhere else. Like downtown. Actually, no... I'd go live with my boyfriend, Uncle Brad."


The way she phrases things cracks me up. One day while drawing on her thank you cards, she said, "Mommy, help me think what I can draw on this. I want something really nice. My mind is not thinking of a happy face to draw."
Me: "How about a house? You know how to draw houses.
Kate: "No I don't."
Me: "Well, then, just draw a happy face."
Kate: :"I said my mind isn't thinking of that!"
Me: "Ok, well what IS your mind thinking of?
Kate" "My mind is thinking, "I don't know!"

She bought a United States puzzle at the preschool lemonade stand. She showed it to me and said, "Look! It has all the stadiums (states) on it!" So cute.

She says things like, "Let's do it, sister friend!". She adds the SPICE to our life, that's for sure!

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