Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Painting Pottery

Megan and I took our girls to paint pottery one day last month (notice the trend of me blogging things at least a month late??). It was quite the adventure. The girls had designs of their own in mind. ha!

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I realized after looking at these pictures that my purse was dangerously close to the paint! EEK!

Kate and Allie both picked out star plates. They picked out their own colors. After trying to give Kate some "direction" and getting shot down, I just let her go at it. Meg and I just sat and visited while the girls painted.

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In the end, after the plate was fired and we received it a week later, this is what it looked like.

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I love that her "A" is upside down. She writes it like this about half the time and I'm so glad it showed up on this plate. Memories.

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Gotta love that big blob at the top left. When we unwrapped the plate, Kate pointed to that spot and said, "What's THAT??". I said, "Well, that's where you got tired of making nice little dots and just blobbed it on there." She wasn't too happy with that, but it is SO "her". Patient for only so long. ha!

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