Thursday, November 15, 2012


Our girl is five today.  FIVE! It's sad to think how fast she is growing up, but exciting to think of all that is ahead. 


She is an amazing little girl. Simply amazing. She is so smart.  She soaks up everything and can learn something new really quickly.  She is eager to learn new things, and can't wait until she is able to really read.


She is truly, truly funny.  She is sharp as a tack and has such a quick wit.  She says the funniest things. She has a great vocabulary.  She made me laugh when she was watching "Land Before Time".  She said, "This is an old, old movie.  Like back in the eighties."


She has a big heart.  She loves her little brother madly.  She is compassionate and has recently started taking about giving money to people that don't have any.  She is sensitive and sentimental.  


She LOVES being sassy.  She was singing her months of the year song from preschool and then said, "Ok, want to hear me sass it up a little bit?"  After the sassy version, she said, "Ok, now listen to me rap it."  Only Kate can sass up the months of the year song.


We celebrated her birthday with a rock star party.  Kate pretty much lives her life like she is on stage, so this was the perfect theme.  She is always singing, dancing, performing, and watching herself in the mirror.  She told me the other day, "I have a great idea!  Why don't you take a video of me and put it on tv?  Then, I'll be FAMOUS!"  When I asked her what it meant to be famous, she said "It means you're a superstar!"


She says things that sound so grown up sometimes.  I asked her, "Do you want an apple?"  She said, "Yes, but after I get done with this.  When I'm doing this, I'm kinda like in the zone."


You would never know it, but she is really shy.  It takes her awhile to warm up to people.  When people ask her questions or make a comment to her while we are out and about, she sometimes won't even answer.  She tells me it's because she's so shy.  At a recent bridal shower, she hardly said a word to anyone that came, even when they would try to talk to her.  She explained that one this way, "See, I have this thing that's called shyness.  There were so many people coming in at one time and I was overwhelmed.  When I talk to someone I know, it's perfect and normal.  But, when people come over that I don't know, I kinda get overwhelmed." I asked her what overwhelmed meant and she said it means that you are like so "noxious".


I love when she says things that make her sound little, though.  She asked me the other day, "What day is the other tomorrow after tomorrow?" She asked me on her party day, "Now that I'm five, can I call you Mom?" 


She has a temper and gets upset with me often.  I can only imagine what it will be like ten years from now. 


Not too long ago, she was asking to stay up with me.  I explained that moms and dads work hard and at night, they just like to chill.  She bargained with me a little, saying, "But, I'll be really quiet."  I told her that I'm sure she would be quiet, but there's just something about knowing the kids are in bed, it's quiet, and we can just sit there for the evening and do what we want to do.  To which she replied, "That's the rudest thing you ever said to me."


We were in the drive thru of McDonalds (I'm sure I was grabbing a Diet Coke).  She asked, "Will you get me a smoothie?" I said no.  "Will you get me a cheeseburger then?"  Again, I said no.  Her reply was, "Ok, fine, then I'll just go without food."


Her most favorite thing to do is to color.  Her preschool report often says that she was praised for good coloring.  She is so detail oriented. She likes to make sure she stays in the lines and uses the right colors.


She has the sweetest little smile.  She has dimples that show up with her "real" smile.  I love her laugh.  I love when she gets excited about something.  I love when she sings while she colors.  I love when she asks to snuggle with me on the couch.  I love watching her play with her preschool friends.  I love watching her run around with the neighbors.  I love hearing her talk and giggle with her girlfriends.


I am excited for five.  I think I said this last year about four, but she was meant to be five. Five brings a lot of new experiences.  Bring it on!

Happy birthday, baby girl.  We love you to the moon and back.   

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