Monday, November 5, 2012

Where Did October Go??

October seemed to whiz right by us.  I happened to look at our blog and realized I haven't posted anything in over a month.  Lots of catching up to do. 

Life has been a whirlwind lately.  Between the kids, housework, preschool,  party orders, planning Kate's birthday party, and trying to cram in as much fall fun as we can before the weather gets too cold, I have been letting a lot of things slide.  Mostly laundry, cooking regularly, and our blog. 

On top of all of that, Mark has been doing lots of web design on the side.  He is also working with a local restaurant doing all of their social media, as well as creating lots of print materials for them.  He and his boss have recently started a new venture, as well.  He is crazy busy.  All of that is helping make it possible for me to stay home with the kids, though, so we both feel that it's worth it.  We try to carve out as much time as possible for family fun. 

During the month of October, we visited three pumpkin patches (two as a family and one on Kate's field trip), went to Purina Farms Haunted Hayloft, took fall pictures of the kids, went to a trunk or treat, went to Boo at the Zoo, did an overnight getaway with friends... hmmmm.... what else am I forgetting?? It's been a CRAZY month, but SO much fun!! I will eventually get around to posting pictures of all of these things. 

For now, I'll leave you with some pictures of the kiddos at one of the pumpkin patches we went to.  Hopefully, more regular blogging is around the corner.  I LOVE being able to use this blog to look back on what we were doing at this time last year, or look at pictures of the kids in years past, so I hate when I let it slide. 













Can you BELIEVE our girl will be FIVE in a couple weeks?????

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