Monday, November 19, 2012

Way Back in September

Boy, oh boy, have I ever fallen off the blogging wagon.  I uploaded a ton of pictures from my phone this past week.  They are mostly blurry iphone pictures, but what are ya gonna do? At least I'm taking pictures of the things we are doing, I guess. 

In catching up, let's start in September... hey, that's only two months ago! :) Jeez, WHERE did October go???

We went to Manchester Homecoming, which is a carnival thing in the town I grew up in.   They have lots of activities for the kids, live music at night, rides, games, and a parade. 


We haven't been to the parade in years, but we went this year. 

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Seriously, how cute are they???

This is how Jack likes to enjoy a parade. ha!

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The parade was a little political (notice the stickers that were handed out). All the local candidates were in the parade passing out stickers and pamphlets. It made for a pretty boring parade.

Later in the day, Babaloo performed. Kate had seen him a couple years ago at our local library. They had a blast being loud and crazy.


The kids also did pony rides, got their faces painted, and played in the kids area. 



We left for dinner and Jack was WORN OUT!


We went back afterwards to ride some rides and listen to the band. We ended the night with ice cream.

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It was one of those days where you feel like you are on vacation... so much fun!

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